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Namesake Genealogy specializes in New England and Forensic research but is pleased to offer a variety of services based on client needs. If you don’t see what you're looking for listed here, please ask!


Forensic Research

Forensic genealogy is the specialized branch of genealogy research in which the results may have legal implications. Examples include complex kinship determination for probate, adoption, and military repatriation cases, identifying next of kin for unclaimed persons investigations, determining heirs in quiet title actions or mineral & gas claims, and dual-citizenship applications.


  • If you are an attorney, insurance claims manager, or other professional, and you need help locating your client’s missing heirs, Namesake Genealogy can provide the expert research, analysis, and documentation needed to help resolve your case. Rates are hourly and competitive, in keeping with the ethical standard of a disinterested third party. 


  • If you are a coroner or law enforcement agent with unsolved cases involving unclaimed decedents, Namesake Genealogy can offer diligent investigation and professional reporting to  bring resolution to the case and closure for next of kin.


  • If you are seeking estranged or adopted family members, Namesake Genealogy offers compassionate and confidential research, analysis, and reporting, including the use of DNA results when applicable.


  • If you are interested in pursuing dual citizenship with Italy, Namesake Genealogy can help you determine your eligibility and locate your immigrant ancestor's place of birth and US citizenship status. We can also assist in obtaining the documentary evidence required by your local consulate and guide you through the application process. 


  • Are you looking for something not mentioned here? Let us know!


Initial Consultation is always free!

Family Trees

Family Trees & Pedigrees

For most people, the word "genealogy" brings up images of a family tree or a pedigree. Indeed, tracing a family back through time and placing its members into the context of history is the root of all genealogical applications; all other specialties branch off from there. (ha!)​​


Whether for personal knowledge, thoughtful gift-giving, application to a lineage or heraldry society, or breaking through "brick walls," Namesake Genealogy can help you find your connections to the past. 


Examples of projects may include:


  • Identifying the first of your ancestors to arrive in North America

  • Extending a branch of your tree back another generation or more

  • Determining whether any ancestors fought in the American Revolution or Civil War

  • Tracing descendants of a particular ancestor for a family reunion 


While it is impossible to guarantee that the desired results will be uncovered, all research is presented in a fully cited, professional report which includes explanation of all findings.


Let us know what we can help you discover!

House Histories

House History Research

“If only these walls could talk!” If you live in an older home, you’ve probably thought this  at one time or another. Like a family, a house can have fascinating stories about its beginnings, its people, its growth, and its struggles.


New England is unique in the United States for its number of antique and historical homes, many of which are older than the country itself. These homes have given shelter to generations of families, but regrettably, they are unable to tell us about them. That doesn’t mean we aren’t able to find out!


Are you curious about when your home was built and what the neighborhood was like? Would you like to know who has lived there over the years and what life may have been like for them? Resident house histories can uncover answers to questions like these, and perhaps more!


Reach out today for a free consultation and unlock the doors to your home’s past.


Document Services

Has your research uncovered the existence of a document at a specific location in Northern New England (Maine, northern Massachusetts, New Hampshire, or Vermont)? If you provide the details, Namesake Genealogy can retrieve it for you (additional out-of-pocket fees may apply).  


Do you have a certificate, a letter, or some other record that seems impossible to read? Namesake Genealogy’s paleography and transcription services could be just what you need to decipher it and solve an age-old puzzle.  


(Software-assisted translation services available for Spanish, French, and Italian vital records.)


Tell us how we can help you!

Schedule a Consultation

Tel: 603-783-5692
Southern New Hampshire

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